— A three-story mural

Concept and execution.

Early summer of 2020, Cody and I got introduced to four families in need of a huge mural. They were building their new home using as much reused material as possible. Even the frame of the house was recycled, coming from an old house in Selbu that was originally going to get demolished. Because of this, the project was named Selbukassa
— the Selbu box.

From pitch to final brush stroke – we spent 3 weeks working on the mural whenever the weather allowed us.

First concept sketch.

Final concept sketch.

Impressed as we were with the green concept, we wanted to make a motive to match
— something that would honor the families and their efforts.
We pitched painting a huge Eurasian Magpie building a nest using found treasure
— just like the families.

In the production of the mural, we used as many paint scraps as possible.
We teamed up with a local Traditional Paint Works, providing us with linseed oil paint,
mostly scraps, some new. The whole mural is painted with linseed oil.


Cody working on the nest.

Finally seeing the mural without the scaffolding.


Finished mural.